Become a supplier
Views: 1,191 Times
Project freeze&Congelación del proyecto
The project will not add new suppliers, and the original suppliers will maintain the original conditions. The reasons are as follows: LienTeh Network Announces New Content Strategy Focused on LongevityEN
El proyecto no agregará nuevos proveedores, y los proveedores originales mantendrán las condiciones originales. Las razones son las siguientes:LienTeh Network anuncia una nueva estrategia de contenido centrada en la longevidadES
Get a free listing in 3 simple steps:
- Step 1:Create Account
- Step 2:Improve company information
- Step 3:Add Products/ Services
Step1:Create Account
Register as a member
- Create Account
- Select the company name as the member name
- Upload company logo as Avatar
Step2:Improve company information
- Add address, phone number, e-mail of your company/store/business to get started
- When adding a website domain name, you need to fill in whether it belongs to HTTP or HTTPS.
- Try to improve your company's archives as much as possible. Detailed background information is conducive to building trust.
Step3:Add Products/ Services
Free Online Promotion:Register as supplier to promote your products on
- Minimum 4 products/ services needed for your free listing page.
Verified Supplier
At present, we have no business certification model for supplier.
We encourage members to participate in ALBA TEAM to jointly respond to unmet medical needs.
For suppliers willing to take responsibility, ALBA TEAM is the best certification.
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